the “real” Luke

the “real” Luke

so, some of you have seen this & some of you haven’t yet.

but hardly any of you know the story behind it…. over break, I was talking w/ this special lady who I’d met in LA several days previous. I teased her about being “Suuthern” and she teased me about going home and hanging out in the woods with my big blue ox. this might have stemmed from the fact that I talked about eating venison, climbing mountains, and on our first meeting proudly showed her this picture of myself…


I decided to make the site to show her “the real Luke” as a Christmas present…buuut I didn’t want her finding out from me – so I used a friend of a friend of a friend to get it to her…her reaction was priceless. a small excerpt…

chat picture!

I convinced her it was with my meta tags…which included “paul bunyon” and “big blue oxe”
chat picture!

a success I’d say =)

-Luke “sweet & weird” Judy-chee

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