Top 10 of 2013

Top 10 of 2013

greetings friends!

I hope January has been treating you well. it’s been rather annoyingly warm and dry in Los Angeles. I know, I know… polar vortex and all I should be happy. but honestly, I’d actually prefer some cold. anyhoo, I’m just got back from a trip to Mammoth where I pounded out a new feature screenplay. now I’m taking a little mental break from it and thought I’d use the opportunity to share my “Top 10” list for 2013.

as with previous years (2012, 11, 10, 09) it’s a random collection of the events and milestones which affected me the most.

10.) Mustache Competition Ad
it’s been a few years since I’ve done any sort of “Real Luke” project, and while this wasn’t specifically one, our favorite bearded plaid wearing hero does make a guest appearance. it was fun to apply the Real Luke sense of humor to a promotional piece for another project.

9.) Day 13 at Mammoth
speaking of beards, last March I was lucky enough to get a really fun day at Mammoth Mountain. it was a super snowy and blustery day. I cycled one of my favorite chairs, again and again – getting fresh lines almost every run. and as an added bonus, I got this epic snowbeard.

8.) The Emmy’s
back in Los Angeles and very far away from mountain-man-ing, I got to break out my tux and attend the Emmy’s with my friend Liz. it was quite an experience. the award show itself was incredibly long. the governor’s ball was awesome. and the impromptu after party we stumbled across made it a night to remember.

7.) Comic-Con
this year marked a change for me. it was the first year I attended not only as a “fan,” but also as a “creator.” it was very cool to have my film CERTIFIED screen in their film festival. not only that, but a film I helped edit for my good friend Matt Wilson also played. getting to attend with a bunch of my friends and collaborators was an amazing experience.

6.) Ann Arbor with Teal, NYC with Troy & Daisy
now that the festival run for CERTIFIED is over, I finally get to travel again for other reasons. in October, I first visited my sister in Ann Arbor, then my friends Troy & Daisy in NYC. getting to spend time with them outside of LA was very special. and experiencing a little bit of Fall made it all the more wonderful.

5.) Salmon Spawning with Mom & Dad
in November, I took a quick trip home for an “early Thanksgiving.” it’s becoming a tradition of sorts where I fly back to the Northwest a few weeks before the holiday. travel is way easier and the tickets are quite a bit cheaper.

on this trip, besides an amazing turkey dinner – my Mom, Dad had a fun little outing where we went and watching the salmon spawning. it is a beautiful and almost terrifying event. the fish return from thousands of miles to reproduce and die. their lives sacrificed so that their species can carry-on.

in all the years I lived there I don’t think I’d ever watched the fish swimming up Chico Creek…

4.) Silverlake Stair Hike
it’s funny how sometimes the things that are closest to us are the things we neglect. often it takes someone with an outside perspective to inspire us to act.

all around Los Angeles there are collections of old stair cases. many from the days when street cars were abundant. I knew these existed and had an interest in exploring them, but it wasn’t until an out-of-town friend visited that I finally went out and hiked them.

getting to discover a new part of the city was so exciting. its easy to get wrapped up in the day-to-day hustle, I hope this experience reminds me to get out and explore.

3.) Found In Kitsap
this project was last year’s #1 item, and the work on it has continued. the book was designed, copy edited, revised, and finally printed. getting to hold a physical copy of the book was such a feeling of accomplishment.

the work isn’t over, but the book is one step closer to being on a coffee table near you. some images from the project can be seen here.

2.) Downtime
editing work this last year was up and down. I had several periods where I was well, “less than busy” with paying work. but this meant I had lots of time to write. I wrote short stories, a television treatment, multiple feature film treatments, a sci-fi short screenplay, and revised two short screenplays. if I wasn’t editing I kept busy writing. getting to practice my craft for weeks at a time felt really good and I could see my work improving.

1.) Hollywood Christmas Parade
for many years I’ve attended this parade. often I’ll just wander down to the Blvd and watch it by myself for a bit. but this year I decided to make it an event. I invited a bunch of friends over, heated up some apple cider, and turned on the “tv fireplace.”

after several mugs of cider & “holiday cheer” we walk down to Hollywood BLVD and watched the b-list celebrities, politicians, balloons, movie floats, and high school marching bands parade past. it was so fun.

getting to start the Christmas season with some of my best friends was glorious. I’m definitely looking forward to making it a yearly tradition!

well, that’s it folks. what was memorable for your 2013?

I’m looking forward to 2014 and the adventures it will bring.


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