
as promised this week is a bunch of CERTIFIED related news.

over Labor Day weekend I headed up to the beautiful mountain town of Twain Harte for the 2nd Annual Film Fest Twain Harte. this town and I have a bit of a history. way back when I first moved to California for college I lived in the old mining town of Columbia…which just happens to be down the pass from Twain Harte. and it so happened that the my closest friend from class, Ryan Meyer lived in there with his family.

now as this was my first time living away from my family and I was a bit of a “lost puppy.” luckily for me, the Meyers were incredibly loving and inviting. they basically adopted me for the school year. let me tell you, it made being away from home a LOT easier.

ever since then I’ve kept in contact and been able to stop by for a lunch or dinner every year or so on a “Sheep Ranch” trip. but for the film festival I was able to stay with them the entire weekend. it was great to get to hangout for more than just an evening. in some ways it felt like old times and in others it felt new and special. the internet is great for keeping in contact, but you just can’t beat actually BEING in people’s presence. it really does make a difference.

that’s a bit of a tangent, but it seemed like good back story on why Twain Harte has a special place in my heart.

the film festival was a lot of fun. in some ways it reminded me a lot of the Idyllwild fest from earlier this year. I saw a few films I really enjoyed including, THE PRODIGAL, UNFILTERED, and CAROLINE & JACKIE. the last one was really interesting because it was a “character driven mystery.” most mysteries are PLOT driven, as in “who done it?” or “who stole the money?” but this was more about trying to decipher the relationships and motivations between the characters. aI’m not sure I’ve seen that in a movie before! I’d show you a trailer…but apparently they don’t have one! odd.

our screening went really well, there was a great Q&A, and apparently people really liked the film because we won the Audience Award! that means out of all the films that screened we had the highest percentage vote. which was awesome.

Winner Film Fest Twain Harte

now for some pictures from the weekend!

ran into an old friend after the screening
Luke & Han

playing put-put golf w/ the Meyers.
put put golf

accepting the “Twainy.” it’s a custom bronze bust of Mark Twain (naturally)!!
getting the Twainy!

w/ Trenton Waterson. his film BUTTONS IN THE GROUND won “Best Short.”
Trenton & Luke

and here’s a couple shots of the actual trophy!

look at that detail…
"Twain-y" Close-up

and we’ve gotten into a few more festivals as well.

Mile High Horror in Denver, Colorado!
Mile High Laurel

next up is our United Kingdom Premiere at Celluloid Screams in Sheffield! we are super stoked to be the short film that leads off the Opening Night Gala!
Celluloid Screams Laurel

and last, but not least my screenplay NIGHT HAUL has made the Finals of Shriekfest!
Shriekfest Screenplay Laurel

needless to say, it’s been an exciting couple of weeks!

next time I’ll have some photos from a little experiment I undertook this summer. instead of using my digital camera or iPhone – I carried around 3 disposable film cameras… and the results are really very cool. looking forward to sharing them with you.


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